Jesus said "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free
indeed" John 8:36
A religious charitable organization
We are privileged to serve the nation as a non profitable organization since 2012.
Our Vision
Teaching the right, leading
them to a safe destination and feeding the starving are our motto. Preaching
promises will not solve these issues instead need to strengthen the weaker
people instantly. Therefore SETFREECHURCHESINDIA spread the good news of Jesus Christ and do
good to the fellow citizens through charity service.
Our mission
All are equal
in the sight of God and have the freedom to select and live according to their
choice .Our efforts and utmost desire is to give basic education and
information to people that they are free to decide on their faith, eating
& drinking and living. It is very unfortunate that still there are people
in our own land without having basic needs (Food,cloths and shelter).It is
therefore expedient to stretch out our support for those needy
financially for shelter, cloths and food.

Bread ,butter and shelter is essential when we talk about goodness. Cloth is very important when calamities occur.

We promote education because Illiteracy is a big concern in many places.

Water for thirsty
Jesus Said "Whosoever drink the water which I give will never thirsty again"Physical water and spiritual water we give