Charity help
Financial help for eligible child on education purpose

It is very exciting that people glorify God

It is indeed unexplainable moment when you give and the receiver is happy.

up in a Christian family in Kerala, India, led a sinful life without Christ
till 1984. In 1998 I left my job of British High Commission in
obedience to the heavenly call to serve the King of kings and Lord of lords. I
did not understand the power or the seriousness of the word “King of Kings
and Lord of Lords” until I underwent a one-week training program for the royal
visit of “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth" and later
Princess Anne to India. How to bow down/salute, communicate
or shake hands with a King or Queen on this earth were seriously
taught. Though fearing an earthly queen was part of my job, it put a
striking question mark in my heart which taught me the need for all creatures
to bow down fearfully, respectfully before the omnipotent, omniscient and
omnipresent God who is the Maker (Ps.95:6), especially by the chosen
generation, the royal priesthood that we are. If there is a mistake in
salutation, according the royal methods of rules, it is punishable. How much
more should we fear the almighty, incomparable and incorruptible God because
our GOD is THE KING of kings and LORD of lords!!
wife Mrs.Jolly Monachen is Principal of "LITTLE KINGDOM" school which
a inseparable part of this project of Set Free Churches India in
Delhi villages.